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Red Tent Los Angeles, July 23rd from 7-930 pm

The Poetry of Human Encounter.
An opportunity to bond/connect with oneself, the other and
totality through joy, receptivity, sensitivity, dance, movement, and music. No dance experience necessary.

Our talented guides will be Linda Torres Salgado and Carmen Aranda Llamas.


$20 in advance, $30 at the door.
Easy one-step payment: www.paypal.me/gretahassel

We would like to welcome women who have integrative services that may benefit our Red Tent community, by sending in their Gift Certificates, Introductory Offer, or Special Feature Item to be included in the “Goodie Bag” we will hand out to each participant. This can include food sample, oils, herbs, business cards, etc, please contact Greta to arrange your items for drop-off, and how many to provide.

The Red Tent is a gathering of women filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of women’s mysteries. We meet rhythmically around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored when women came to a menstrual hut to bleed and share personal stories and wisdom.

In the Red Tent, we celebrate our bodies, our rhythmic cycles, our ability to give birth, our tears, and our intuition. We come together to celebrate our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, our divine pleasure and our essential connection!

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$20 in advance, $30 at the door.
Easy one-step payment: www.paypal.me/gretahassel
(The account will be: Essence, Individual and Marital Therapist, Inc.)
The address will be provided upon registration received.
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What to bring – bright flowers, red apples, raspberries, or grapes, a favorite crystal or item for the altar, and journal. Dress in comfortable flowing fabrics, in various shades of red!

Red Tent Los Angeles is facilitated by Greta Hassel, Intimacy Coach and Sexual Educator. Her Masters’ Degrees in Theology and Psychology include the lifelong study of Modern Psychology, Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Sexuality that uniquely qualify her in healing the painful split between sex and spirit. Greta is a Certified Calling in “The One” coach with Katherine Woodward Thomas, and facilitates “Calling in Love for A Lifetime” for women magnetizing happy, healthy, loving partnerships.  She hosts “A Playful Puja: An Evening of Conscious Connection for Singles and Couples” a heart-centered, sensual (no sexual contact) evening designed with her husband.  Her other passion is a 9-week transformational journey on Love, God and Sex, the culmination of her 25 + year career in love, relationships, and sacred sexuality.