11.11 Purple Tree Council: Restoring Divine Union between Women & Men
November 11, 2020 @ 5:11 pm - 8:11 pm
Purple Tree Council is a Calling and a Vision to gather for integrated, harmonious feminine/masculine relationships within and among all beings.
With full freedom of expression we hope to create a container of transformation as we relate to our divine union of gender and identity.
We are offering an interactive experience and Sacred Union Rites of Passage to celebrate, observe and honor the auspicious 2020, 11:11 portal.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to manifest the glory that is within each of us through the Royal Wedding between The God-self within and the Goddess-self within.
As our twin Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine rise (like a wedded phoenix & dragon) within each of US – we are granted access back into our original Sacred Marriage of spirit (11) and matter (11.)
Experience the 11.11 unlike anything you have ever before inside of your own sovereign core, and see how you can give your entire genetic CODE – the greatest GIFT of unconditional LOVE.
We will go beyond “getting to know” masculine and feminine energetics and step into the crucible of containing these energies through internal alchemy as well as expanding outward into Unified Self through amplifying connections.
We welcome you to ground your own organic light in partnership with your ancient Ancestral Lineage, and embark on your own heroic/sheroic journey out of the collective darkness of our multi-generational sacred wounds… into the Great UNKNOWN.
* Are you ready to holistically merge with this TWIN ELEVEN MYSTERY as a solid manifestation of our true human potential?
* How far are you willing to see your authentic self SHINE – with full permission – so that we can radiate this rare medicine into the densest aspects of our humanity?
* What are you willing to let go of on the Altar of the 11.11 BELOVEDS to penetrate this Earth with pure SOURCE CREATION energy?
* Will you support your brothers and sisters to shake off old veils?
* Find out what you are really capable of inside of the numerous cross-cultural Rites of Passage that all the indigenous ancestries share around the ONE Hoop of Gaia – our Mother Father Earth.
==> Please join Devi, Nikko, Greta and George in …
~ Exploring the true inner dance of the masculine and feminine within to restore balance. Learn to express the “counter” aspects without sacrificing your primary expression.
~ Activate the circuitry alignment of the unconscious masculine side of a woman – the animus, and the unconscious feminine side of a man – the anima within through 11:11 Guided meditation.
~ Finally (or once again) honoring non-binary expressions as integral to the development of collective awareness.
~ Create integrated wholeness by coming together and experiencing Trinity Tantra, charging and weaving solar and lunar energies.
~ Breaching the 11:11 Portal prepared to express your sacred energies in full potency, within and without for the healing of the planet and all life.
And so much more.
Let us RE-MEMBER the wise ways of our ancestors. We are their descendants.
We are the ones WE have been waiting for to bring the wise ways into these new days and come back HOME – full circle – to collectively usher in Humanity’s Unified and Integral Wholeness.
Our Purple Tree Council is here to offer a medicine wheel of MIRACLES in order to embrace and receive the combined DNA & RNA’s of your lineage’s cellular memory.
Join with all of our allies to collectively surrender ALL into the Center Point – Zero Point – VOID from the ultimate LAW of GRACE!
Donations appreciated: $11 – $111. Venmo: Greta-HasselGrace.
Claim Tickets Here:
BIship Devi Grace
George P. Kansas
Greta Grace
Nikko James