A Pre-Valenine’s Rite of Passage – Where Romance Begins Within!
January 25, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
A Pre-Valenine’s Rite of Passage – Where Romance Begins Within!
With Greta Grace and *DEVI Gayatri
Greta Grace and DEVI Gayatri will bring back ancient Temple teachings of the Goddess Initiations to explore the intimate archetype of the Alchemical Marriage.
Alchemical Marriage is not just two souls meeting in the erotic dance of love. The deeper meaning is one soul – your pure soul – merging with your dual nature.
This is an evening of deep inner healing, to draw love in, and reflect love into your outer world.
*Please see DISCUSSION to read more about the unique gifts of our co-facilitator, Samavesha Moksha Gayatri Devi (DEVI Gayatri)
(Source: The Divine Union Foundation & Womb Awakening, Azra Bertrand, M.D. + Seren Bertrand, http://humanityhealing.net/2012/03/the-twin-flames-and-the-alchemical-marriage-part-i/)
Click here to RSVP now:
Venmo @Greta-HasselGrace,
See: https://www.facebook.com/events/633226804115457/
DOORS OPEN at 12:30 pm. and we start at 1:00 pm. Also, take care to nourish yourself before coming so you are fully present and able to enjoy the experience.
Red clothing can enhance your experience (no worries if you ‘have nothing red in your closet’. Wear what leaves you feeling feminine and flowing.
Bring red luscious fruits, red rose petals, red roses and/or fresh flower bouquets to co-create sacred temple space for us to bathe in the high frequencies of beauty together.
Bring a water bottle, too! Also, important to bring your favorite crystal that calls to your womb and feminine energy for the event and any special altar items to decorate, along with your journal to jot down inspirations and visions.
The Red Tent is a gathering of women filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of women’s mysteries. We meet rhythmically around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored, when women came to a menstrual hut to bleed and share personal stories and wisdom.
In the Red Tent, we celebrate our bodies, our rhythmic cycles, our ability to give birth, our tears, and our intuition. We celebrate our menstrual flow, the wisdom of menopause, the red thread through our matriarchal line, the ecstatic nature of our sex, and our divine uniqueness. We come together to celebrate our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, our divine pleasure and our essential connection!
In April 2019, Red Tent Los Angeles launched the Red Tent Wisdom Circle. This is a platform which curates live and online programs in the areas of Intimacy, Vitality, and Self-sufficiency for the healing of ourselves, our sisterhood, and our world. Please visit us at www.RedTentWisdomCircle.org and like us on Instagram!
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Red Tent Los Angeles is facilitated by Greta Hassel, Intimacy Coach and Sexual Educator. Her Masters’ Degrees in Theology and Psychology include the lifelong study of Modern Psychology, Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Sexuality that uniquely qualify her in healing the painful split between sex and spirit. Greta facilitates playful, heart-centered, workshops bringing conscious sensuality to couples and singles. Currently she offers “Calling in Love for A Lifetime” for women Magnetizing True Love. This course weaves together with juicy secrets from the Red Tent with Greta’s certification as a “Calling in the One” Coach, based on the powerful technology created by Katherine Woodward. Greta offers turbo-charged empowerment sessions on the beach for individuals and/or couples to tune-up, up-level, and live in alignment with one’s passion and gifts for a world that works for all. https://www.gretahasselgrace.com/
Samavesha (Moksha) Gayatri DEVI – Divine Destiny Activator. Holistic Lawyer for Your Soul. Akashic Intuitive. Archetypal Oracle. Shamanic Wisdom Keeper. Master Facilitator. Yogic Rites of Passage
She is a rare visionary with the holographic intelligence to see humanity’s true potential in synergistic balance with our evolving planet. Through a lifetime of mystical experiences and extensive rigorous training, she has developed the extraordinary capacity to synthesize the original totality of any system (individual or collective) into cohesive wholeness. Devi mentors adepts to rapidly realize their primary purpose within the deeper spectrum of their soul’s Hero and Heroine’s Journey. Her powerful gifts restore one’s authentic mastery, presence and clarity for comprehensive solutions to the significant challenges we are facing globally.
As a result of multiple near death experiences her unique abilities elicit the dormant resources and inherent potential within leaders in order to catalyze successful models for a more integral world. Devi’s remarkable mission is dedicated to supporting a new emerging paradigm where essential aspects of society abundantly thrive with the vast intelligence of nature and Gaia’s (our planet) own regenerative blueprint (encodements) for awakening.
She is the master key code for the tantric embodiment of Heaven on Earth, and her sessions are a fusion of many modern and ancient mystical lineages to assist the individual in rapidly returning to their true soul’s capacity and Throne of Destiny. Through the Ultimate Divine Laws she is able to assist her client’s to access and integrate their original Divine Design, restoring initiates back into alignment with their true life’s purpose. Many whom have worked with her, equate her abilities to the same potential of a Sage/Saint, the Dali Lama, the Holy Grail or an Ayahuasca ceremonial experience. She is truly a master deliberately sent back to assist humanity in coming back home to it’s true plan of ascended magnificence. http://www.speakingtreeoflife.com/