The Sacred Power of the Goddess
July 20, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Researcher, writer, visionary, Starr Goode will be our special guest bringing us images of the Goddess that tell a story illuminating our sacred roots. She writes:
A new spirit stirs the consciousness of our times, the Return of the Goddess. Women are reclaiming their bodies as a source of primal creative energy. Words like vulva, vagina, and yoni are part of the zeitgeist of our culture—with all their potency to sanctify—not demonize—the female body. Women are reclaiming their power in the Me-Too movement, in the halls of Congress, and in this awareness of the sacredness of their femaleness.
It is time for women to know the immensity of their natural heritage. It is time to restore to women a history so often suppressed by patriarchal bias. It is time to know the uncountable representations of the sanctity of the female creative power around the world. It is time to embrace the values of the wisdom of the Goddess: community, cooperation, equality between the sexes and non-material values that connect us to the forces of life.
Additionally,we will be joined by Reena Desai, artist and teacher of the sacred arts, who will guide us on an embodied experience of reclaiming our sacred sexuality as a source of self-love.
Cost: $20 in advance *All proceeds go towards Earth Rights Institute, whose mission is to support, build and empower a culture of peace and justice worldwide.
Please contact Greta H. Grace at (310)818-1473 or [email protected] if you have questions.
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Red Tent Los Angeles is happy to announce we are now a non-profit organization! Please know that your contribution goes towards Earth Rights Institute, whose mission is to support, build and empower a culture of peace and justice worldwide.
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We begin by creating sacred space. Containing this energy is vital to our process, and latecomers will not be allowed in. We don’t want to turn anyone away, so PLEASE, BE SURE TO ARRIVE BEFORE 1:00 pm. Also, take care to nourish yourself before coming so you are fully present and able to enjoy the experience. Light fruit and refreshments will be served.
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Red adornments and dress will enhance your experience (no worries if you don’t own red!).
Bring red luscious fruits, red rose petals, red roses and/or fresh flower bouquets to co-create sacred temple space for us to bathe in the high frequencies of beauty together.
Also, feel free to bring any special altar items to decorate, along with your journal to jot down inspirations and visions.
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The Red Tent is a gathering of women filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of women’s mysteries. We meet rhythmically around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored, when women came to a menstrual hut to bleed and share personal stories and wisdom.
In the Red Tent, we celebrate our bodies, our rhythmic cycles, our ability to give birth, our tears, and our intuition. We celebrate our menstrual flow, the wisdom of menopause, the red thread through our matriarchal line, the ecstatic nature of our sex, and our divine uniqueness. We come together to celebrate our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, our divine pleasure and our essential connection.