Book salon on “Pussy: A Reclamation” by Mama Gena Thomashauer
September 9, 2019 @ 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
A book salon / discussion on Pussy: A Reclamation
Mar Vista, West LA., CA
After “Ancient Roots of the Goddess” with Star Goode (July’s Red Tent) who shared images from around the world representing the sanctity of the female creative power and our body as a source of primal creative energy, we are ready for personal application.
Together we will shake our bodies, shake up the old paradigm, and step into our radiance. Radiance is in inside job. Connecting with our inner power source is a choice to make daily. Learning what lights us up and turns us on becomes our road map to creating our best life ever.
Get unstuck, empowered, and turned on. Pleasure * Radiance * Turn-on * Choice * Source of our Power…. These are the words from Mama Gena. Your voice matters; speak your deepest truth. Embody radical self-celebration. End the war with your body, and see it for what is truly is… beautiful, sacred, powerful, and worthy.
This is a journey that is enhanced through our sisterhood – “We women free ourselves when we free one another … We inspire a woman to turn back on… Each of us acts like a candle lighting other women’s candles until our whole world is illuminated”.
This topic is provocative and can push buttons. At the Red Tent, we make is safe, and make it safe to stretch into and through our discomforts so we may embody our power, truth, and pleasure.
This is the holy grail, your personal GPS; we are about igniting your unique turn on, sisters!
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Click here to RSVP now:
$20 in advance, $30 at the door.
Easy one-step payment:
or www.paypal.me/gretahassel
(The account name: Essence, Individual & Marital Therapist, Inc.)
You financial gifts go towards red tent fabrics, fruits, flowers, announcements, and monthly support for “Because I Am A Girl”. This program that ensures that girls living in the developing world have access to the most basic human rights to Learn, Lead, Decide, and Thrive. “Because I am a Girl” is driven through Plan International USA to transform power relations, empowering girls to become an agent of change, for herself, her community and country. When given the chance, girls can change the world with no limit to what #SheWillAchieve.
For more info, visit https://tinyurl.com/y5jb4t7q
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DOORS OPEN at 7:00 pm and we start promptly at 7:30 pm.. We begin by creating sacred space. Containing this energy is vital to our process, and latecomers will not be allowed in. We don’t want to turn anyone away, so PLEASE, BE SURE TO ARRIVE BEFORE 7:30 pm. Also, take care to nourish yourself before coming so you are fully present and able to enjoy the experience.
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Red adornments and dress will enhance your experience (no worries if you don’t own red!). Bring red luscious fruits, red rose petals, red roses and/or fresh flower bouquets to co-create sacred temple space for us to bathe in the high frequencies of beauty together. Bring a water bottle, too!
Also, important to bring your favorite crystal that calls to your womb and feminine energy for the event and any special altar items to decorate, along with your journal to jot down inspirations and visions.
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The Red Tent is a gathering of women filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of women’s mysteries. We meet rhythmically around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored, when women came to a menstrual hut to bleed and share personal stories and wisdom.
In the Red Tent, we celebrate our bodies, our rhythmic cycles, our ability to give birth, our tears, and our intuition. We celebrate our menstrual flow, the wisdom of menopause, the red thread through our matriarchal line, the ecstatic nature of our sex, and our divine uniqueness. We come together to celebrate our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, our divine pleasure and our essential connection.
In April 2019, Red Tent Los Angeles launched the Red Tent Wisdom Circle. This is a platform which curates live and online programs in the areas of Intimacy, Vitality, and Self-sufficiency for the healing of ourselves, our sisterhood, and our world. Please visit us at www.RedTentWisdomCircle.org and like us on Instagram!
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Red Tent Los Angeles is facilitated by Greta Hassel Grace, Intimacy Coach and Sexual Educator. Her Masters’ Degrees in Theology and Psychology include the lifelong study of Modern Psychology, Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Sexuality that uniquely qualify her in healing the painful split between sex and spirit. Greta facilitates playful, heart-centered, workshops bringing conscious sensuality to couples and singles.
Currently she offers “Calling in Love for A Lifetime” for women Magnetizing True Love. This course weaves together with juicy secrets from the Red Tent with Greta’s certification as a “Calling in the One” Coach, based on the powerful technology created by Katherine Woodward.
Greta offers turbo-charged empowerment sessions on the beach for individuals and/or couples to tune-up, up-level, and live in alignment with one’s passion and gifts for a world that works for all.