The Purple Tent: Experiencing the masculine feminine connection!
November 23, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
| $33.00FOR WOMEN and MEN
Red Tent Los Angeles and One Blue Launch join to launch THE PURPLE TENT!
Bringing women and men together for
healing and harmony,
union and communion, and
pleasure and play.
When: Nov. 23, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: Venice, address provided upon registration.
Who: Experiencing and celebrating the eternal dance of masculine feminine connection through embodied processes. Gender balanced with 15 women and 15 men.
Cost: $20 (earlybird through Nov. 11), $33 after.
Join us for a deep dive into the beauty of the Feminine/Masculine connection through embodiment processes, movement, and sharing.
Red Tent Los Angeles – for women – and One Blue Tent – for men – are collaborating to bring curated processes around gender, sexuality, and power, to increase presence, self-knowledge, and connection. In this way, we create a unified feild for healing and the realization of a world that works for All!
Click here to RSVP now:
Venmo @Greta-HasselGrace,
Papaypal: [email protected]
$20 through Nov. 11, $33 after.
Easy one-step payment:
The Red Tent is a gathering of women filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of women’s mysteries. We meet rhythmically around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored, when women came to a menstrual hut to bleed and share personal stories and wisdom.
In the Red Tent, we celebrate our bodies, our rhythmic cycles, our ability to give birth, our tears, and our intuition. We celebrate our menstrual flow, the wisdom of menopause, the red thread through our matriarchal line, the ecstatic nature of our sex, and our divine uniqueness. We come together to celebrate our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, our divine pleasure and our essential connection!
In April 2019, Red Tent Los Angeles launched the Red Tent Wisdom Circle. This is a platform which curates live and online programs in the areas of Intimacy, Vitality, and Self-sufficiency for the healing of ourselves, our sisterhood, and our world. Please visit us at www.RedTentWisdomCircle.org and like us on Instagram!
Supporting the awakening of 21st Century men since 1992. Men who encourage women. Men who encourage one another. Men who protect children, animals and the planet. Basically good guys with purpose and passion who desire more awareness, consciousness and impact. One Blue Tent hosts live and virtual live gatherings to facilitate deeper conversations among awakening men. The 21st Century is complicated. The rules our fathers taught us don’t all apply anymore. A deeper conversation is necessary. That’s what the Blue Tent is for. Join us and get in the conversation. Your voice is needed. Now more than ever!
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Red Tent Los Angeles is facilitated by Greta Hassel, Intimacy Coach and Sexual Educator. Her Masters’ Degrees in Theology and Psychology include the lifelong study of Modern Psychology, Ancient Wisdom and Sacred Sexuality that uniquely qualify her in healing the painful split between sex and spirit. Greta facilitates playful, heart-centered, workshops bringing conscious sensuality to couples and singles. Currently she offers “Calling in Love for A Lifetime” for women Magnetizing True Love. This course weaves together with juicy secrets from the Red Tent with Greta’s certification as a “Calling in the One” Coach, based on the powerful technology created by Katherine Woodward. Greta offers turbo-charged empowerment sessions on the beach for individuals and/or couples to tune-up, up-level, and live in alignment with one’s passion and gifts for a world that works for all. https://www.gretahasselgrace.com/
One blue tent facilitator John Petz is a certified somatic therapist located in Santa Monica, He has many years of experience in the area of masculine & feminine desire and connection. His interest in working with the Blue Tent is to help men come into a deeper level of feeling and intuition so they can access their full masculine powers and be better partners to the women in their lives.
George Peter Kansas is an author of 8 books, an internationally acclaimed mainstage speaker and a trainer of trainers. But more than that, he’s a renaissance man. Whether exploring the depths of spirituality or discussing leadership strategies for the 21st century – or both – George can provide valuable transformational insight because over the past 30 years, he’s done it.
The programs he offers with his wife, Tracey Trottenberg, have been called the Harvard MBA of Conscious Communications. The national media has called him the Indiana Jones of Performance Psychology. He’s produced rock concerts for disaster relief, run marathons for charities, led expeditions in the Alps and hikes in the Outback. He leads women in speaking, leading and staying feminine and empowers men to express their true selves on stage, in the boardroom, on the playground and in the bedroom.
As a seeker, as a single father of two, as an entrepreneur, he’s qualified for all of it! The brands he’s most known for – Jumper Cables for the Soul and Speak With Soul – say it all.
If you want to improve your health, your relationships and your business, George is ready to help you. In fact, he joins us today to do just that.. www.GPKspeaks.com